Results for 'Maria Aimé Villano'

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  1.  11
    Liturgical Furniture in the Basilica of San Marco. The Ciboria in the Main Chapel and in the Chapels of the Nicopeia and Sacramento.Maria Aimé Villano - 2021 - Convivium 8 (2):132-147.
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    Hemispheric Asymmetries in Radial Line Bisection: Role of Retinotopic and Spatiotopic Factors.Sergio Chieffi, Giovanni Messina, Ines Villano, Antonietta Messina, Ciro Rosario Ilardi, Marcellino Monda, Monica Salerno, Francesco Sessa, Maria Pina Mollica, Gina Cavaliere, Giovanna Trinchese, Fabiano Cimmino, Paolo Murabito, Angela Catapano & Vincenzo Monda - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Use of Velocity Information in Movement Reproduction.Sergio Chieffi, Antonietta Messina, Ines Villano, Anna A. Valenzano, Ersilia Nigro, Marco La Marra, Giuseppe Cibelli, Vincenzo Monda, Monica Salerno, Domenico Tafuri, Marco Carotenuto, Luigi Cipolloni, Maria P. Mollica, Marcellino Monda & Giovanni Messina - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Immaturity of Visual Fixations in Dyslexic Children.Aimé Tiadi, Christophe-Loïc Gérard, Hugo Peyre, Emmanuel Bui-Quoc & Maria Pia Bucci - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  5.  24
    Ver-como y epistemología hinge.Maria Sol Yuan - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 22 (1):29-37.
    This paper aims to stablishes the sense in which propositions included under the perceptual use of ‘seeing-as’, developed by Wittgenstein in the Second Part of Philosophical Investigations, are justifiable from an epistemic point of view. To do this, first, it will be clarified the internal link between ‘visual experience’ and ‘interpretation’ for the type of mentioned cases. Second, it will be shown how the ‘seeing-as’ respects the rule-following paradox’s solution, as long as it does not presuppose any intermediary or need (...)
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    Emotion and the beautiful in Art.Maria Borges - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:263-271.
    In this paper, I aim at explaining the difference Kant makes between emotion, the beautiful and the sublime. I begin by explaining what an emotion is, showing that it refers to feelings that are related to desire. In contrast, I show that the feeling of beautiful and the sublime give us an inactive delight, that is not related to an interest in the object. The feeling of beautiful is related to the judgment of taste, and it has a universal validity (...)
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  7.  22
    Argumentation as a Bridge Between Metaphor and Reasoning.Maria Rossi, Elisabetta Gola & Francesca Ervas - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno (eds.), Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The aim of this chapter is to explore the relationship between metaphor and reasoning, by claiming that argumentation might act as a bridge between metaphor and reasoning. Firstly, the chapter introduces metaphor as a framing strategy through which some relevant properties of a source domain are selected to understand a target domain. The mapping of properties from the source to the target domain implicitly forces the interpreter to consider the target from a specific perspective. Secondly, the chapter presents metaphor as (...)
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  8.  50
    Expert responsibility in AI development.Maria Hedlund & Erik Persson - 2022 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the responsibility of AI experts for guiding the development of AI in a desirable direction. More specifically, the aim is to answer the following research question: To what extent are AI experts responsible in a forward-looking way for effects of AI technology that go beyond the immediate concerns of the programmer or designer? AI experts, in this paper conceptualised as experts regarding the technological aspects of AI, have knowledge and control of AI (...)
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    Boundedness and self-organized semantics: theory and applications.Maria K. Koleva - 2013 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book enhances the understanding of the theoretical framework and leading principles of boundedness, aiming to bridge the gap between biology, artificial intelligence, and physics.
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  10. A case study: Thrasymachus and bullying behavior.Maria Panagiotopoulou - 2019 - Skepsis, a Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 27:89-96.
    This paper attempts a detailed and in-depth examination of the particular case of Thrasymachus’ behavior. Our attempt is not to provide a consistent analysis and interpretation of Thrasymachus’ account of justice, but to present his rhetorical skills. In particular, the aim of this paper is to provide an account of behavior as an essential parameter in his teaching of rhetoric. Plato’s choice of Thrasymachus in order to confront Socrates is not a random one. He chooses a renowned Sophist in the (...)
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    Does the City of Ends Correspond to a Classless Society?Maria Russo - 2019 - Sartre Studies International 25 (1):52-68.
    In the Critique of Dialectical Reason and in many interviews, Sartre upheld the proletariat’s attempts at emancipation in Western societies and their revolts in the developing world. In these texts, counter-violence is considered the only way to exercise concrete engagement, and a classless society is presented as the only possibility of reducing social inequalities. However, this radical point of view was not the only perspective he tried to develop. He also sought to elaborate an existentialist ethics, which does not correspond (...)
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    Davidson's Triangulation: Content‐Endowing Causes and Circularity.Maria Lasonen & Tomas Marvan - 2004 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2):177-195.
    In this article we aim to reconstruct some aspects of Davidson's idea of triangulation, and against this reconstruction, ask whether the idea is viciously circular. We begin by looking at the claim that without a triangularn setting, there is no saying what the cause of a being's responses is. In the first section we discuss the notion of relevant similarity, and what difference the presence of a second non‐linguistic being could make for the individuation of a common focus of attention. (...)
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  13. Variedades de la explicación en evo-devo.María Alejandra Petino Zappala & Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2018 - Epistemologia E Historia de la Ciencia 3 (1):18-31.
    The aim of this paper lies in characterizing the explanations and models used in the field of evolutionary developmental biology throughout its history. While manipulative experiments in controlled conditions have been useful to set the bases of the discipline and are still routinely performed, this approach supposes a tension between the reliability and the representativity of the conclusions. Given the recent changes in the understanding of evolutionary phenomena, different authors currently emphasize the need of avoiding excessive simplifications in experimental approaches, (...)
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  14.  11
    Gender Mainstreaming vs Positive Action: An Ongoing Conflict in EU Gender Equality Policy.Maria Stratigaki - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (2):165-186.
    This article examines the development of a gender mainstreaming strategy in the EU by illustrating how this strategy was shaped by other than gender equality policy goals. Gender mainstreaming was originally launched in 1996 to promote gender equality in all EU policies, in the context of international and European mobilization on women’s issues. It was aimed to transform mainstream policies by introducing a gender equality perspective. However, it has been largely used as an alibi for neutralizing positive action. The successful (...)
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  15.  10
    The European Institute for Gender Equality: A window of opportunity for gender equality policies?Maria Stratigaki & Agnès Hubert - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (2):169-181.
    This article sets out to assess the opportunities and risks for the advancement of gender equality in the European Union offered by the establishment of the European Institute for Gender Equality. It argues that the formal aims and objectives of the Institute mirror the wider political context today ; for the same reason, however, the Institute may be hard-pressed to fulfil those functions originally envisaged by a specific but broad range of actors in the field of equal opportunities. Whether or (...)
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    Shu and zhong as the virtue of the Golden Rule: a Confucian contribution to contemporary virtue ethics.Joseph Emmanuel D. Sta Maria - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (2):100-111.
    I aim to show how Confucian philosophy can contribute to the contemporary resurgence of virtue ethics education by arguing that it has the resource to address a lacuna in Aristotelian ethics. Aristotelian ethics, which is arguably the main resource of contemporary virtue ethics, lacks a virtue that corresponds to the notion of loving each person as one’s self or the Golden Rule. To be more precise, Aristotelian ethics has no virtue about loving all people as one’s self, although philia comes (...)
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  17.  38
    Unlocking data: Where is the key?María C. Sánchez & Antonio Sarría‐Santamera - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (3):367-376.
    Health‐related data uses and data sharing have been in the spotlight for a while. Since the beginning of the big data era, massive data mining and its inherent possibilities have only increased the debate about what the limits are. Data governance is a relevant aspect addressed in ethics guidelines. In this context, the European project BRIDGE Health (BRidging Information and Data Generation for Evidence‐based Health policy and research) strove to achieve a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable EU health‐information system. One of (...)
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  18. Predictive Probability and Analogy by Similarity in Inductive Logic.Maria Concetta Di Maio - 1995 - Erkenntnis 43 (3):369 - 394.
    The λ-continuum of inductive methods was derived from an assumption, called λ-condition, which says that the probability of finding an individual having property $x_{j}$ depends only on the number of observed individuals having property $x_{j}$ and on the total number of observed individuals. So, according to that assumption, all individuals with properties which are different from $x_{j}$ have equal weight with respect to that probability and, in particular, it does not matter whether any individual was observed having some property similar (...)
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  19.  15
    Women in Pieces: The Filmic Re/constructions of Josefina Molina.MarÌa Su·rez Lafuente - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (4):395-407.
    The aim of this article is to show the way in which film director Josefina Molina dissects the effect traditional education had on Spanish women. In Evening Performance, Molina deconstructs the life of a wife as an individual, while in Most Naturalshe centres on the family as a social unit. Once both, wife and family, are torn and displayed ‘in pieces’, the director reconstructs them as a new, hopeful whole. These films study the difficult transition Spanish women had to undergo (...)
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    Antisocial Behavior, Moral Disengagement, Empathy and Negative Emotion: A Comparison Between Disabled and Able-Bodied Athletes.Maria Kavussanu, Christopher Ring & Jayne Kavanagh - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (4):297-306.
    Theories of morality suggest that negative emotions associated with antisocial behavior should diminish motivation for such behavior. Two reasons that have been proposed to explain why some individuals repeatedly harm others are that (a) they use mechanisms of moral disengagement to justify their actions, and (b) they may not empathize with and vicariously experience the negative emotions felt by their victims. With the aim of testing these proposals, the present study compared spinal cord injured disabled athletes and able-bodied athletes to (...)
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  21.  53
    Adam Smith’s Reconstruction of Practical Reason.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):81-116.
    IN THE LAST PART of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith puts his theory in a class with those of his contemporaries Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, namely, the systems that make sentiments the principle of approbation. Despite recognizing important differences with both of them, he thinks that since he has placed the origin of moral sentiments in sympathy, and in particular the fact that we are able to enter into the motives of the agent and get pleasure from (...)
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  22.  16
    An Investigation of Working Memory Profile and Fluid Intelligence in Children With Neurodevelopmental Difficulties.Maria Sofologi, Vassiliki Pliogou, Eleni Bonti, Maria Efstratopoulou, Georgios A. Kougioumtzis, Efthymios Papatzikis, Georgios Ntritsos, Despina Moraitou & Georgia Papantoniou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study aims to evaluate the distinct patterns of working memory capacity of children with Developmental Language Disorder, High-functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and children with Down syndrome. More specifically, the current study investigates the complex relationship of fluid intelligence and WM between 39 children with DLD, 20 H igh-functioning children with ASD, and 15 children with DS. All children were evaluated in different measures of Phonological Working Memory, Visual-spatial Working Memory whereas Fluid Intelligence was measured with Raven (...)
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  23.  73
    Who Should obey Asimov’s Laws of Robotics? A Question of Responsibility.Maria Hedlund & Erik Persson - 2024 - In Spyridon Stelios & Kostas Theologou (eds.), The Ethics Gap in the Engineering of the Future. Emerald Publishing. pp. 9-25.
    The aim of this chapter is to explore the safety value of implementing Asimov’s Laws of Robotics as a future general framework that humans should obey. Asimov formulated laws to make explicit the safeguards of the robots in his stories: (1) A robot may not injure or harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; (2) A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict (...)
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  24.  45
    El vértigo del Amor Fati: libertad y necesidad en Nietzsche.María Jesús Mingot Marcilla - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (1):67-87.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze some basic aspects of Nietzsche’s thought by tracing them back to the idea of Amor Fati, understood as the matrix from which they spring and the keystone to their pattern. The freedom-necessity duality is analyzed, posing the crucial question of why Amor Fati is for Nietzsche a call to radically face the problem of responsibility.
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  25.  21
    La utopía del "retorno” de Leo Strauss frente a las utopías modernas.María Alejandra Vanney - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 2.
    Strauss claims that the general crisis in Western world is closely related to the crisis which political philosophy as such is undergoing. Apart from that, the latter is the result of the revolutionary changes introduced by the creators of modern political philosophy, whose conclusions insist that it is necessary to break with tradition in order to construe a new political science. The article examines the straussian’s vision of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and finally, Nietzsche. Based on this description, Strauss proposes that (...)
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  26.  35
    Paul Ricœur and Clifford Geertz: The Harmonic Dialogue between Philosophical Hermeneutics and Cultural Anthropology.Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):49-64.
    Human experience has a symbolic structure. By focusing on the symbolism of human action, this essay considers the reciprocal influences and the essential differences between Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutics and Clifford Geertz’s cultural anthropology. Through reference to Ricœur’s Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, the section on “Ideology, Utopia, and Politics” in From Text to Action, and Geertz’s 1973 book The Interpretation of Cultures, this paper aims at reconstructing the dialogue between these thinkers. I begin with a broad framing of the encounter (...)
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  27.  25
    Towards a Holistic View of Self-Deception in Kant’s Moral Psychology.Maria Eugênia Zanchet - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:194-219.
    In his notable account of lying in the _Doctrine of Virtue_, Kant draws a parallel between self-deception and external lying, and argues that the agent who lies throws away her personality and dignity. Challenged by many commentators, this explanatory strategy may suggest that Kant's prohibition of deception would be motivated by a contentious teleological principle. In my account, I reject this suggestion and further show that this parallel can help us better understand the nature of self-deception. By borrowing elements from (...)
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  28.  14
    Взаємодія управлінської освіти та управлінської культури як основа нової управлінської парадигми інформаційного суспільства.Maria Kononets - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:103-111.
    The relevance of the research topic is that the interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in the information society is an integral part of the formation of a management paradigm of the ХХ1 century. The interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in information societies is an interdisciplinary matrix of many socio-humanities and behavioral sciences. The problem is conceptualization of the interaction of managerial education and managerial culture in the information society, which allows to develop modern directions of improvement (...)
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  29.  14
    Buddhist Ethics.Maria Heim - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    'Ethics' was not developed as a separate branch of philosophy in Buddhist traditions until the modern period, though Buddhist philosophers have always been concerned with the moral significance of thoughts, emotions, intentions, actions, virtues, and precepts. Their most penetrating forms of moral reflection have been developed within disciplines of practice aimed at achieving freedom and peace. This Element first offers a brief overview of Buddhist thought and modern scholarly approaches to its diverse forms of moral reflection. It then explores two (...)
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    (2 other versions)An Eye on Particulars with the End in Sight: An Account of Aristotelian Phronesis.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):246-261.
    This paper focuses on Aristotelian phronesis and aims at highlighting its nature as an eye on particulars with general ends in sight. More specifically, it challenges the particularistic interpretation of phronesis and Aristotelian ethics in order to argue for a “qualified generalism.” After sketching a radical Particularistic Reading (PR), the paper defends an interpretation it calls the Priority of Particulars Reading (PPR). First, it shows how PPR effectively accounts for the Aristotelian priority assigned to practical perception while at the same (...)
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  31.  19
    Davidson's Triangulation: Content‐Endowing Causes and Circularity.Maria Lasonen & Tomá[Sbreve] Marvan - 2004 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2):177-195.
    In this article we aim to reconstruct some aspects of Davidson's idea of triangulation, and against this reconstruction, ask whether the idea is viciously circular. We begin by looking at the claim that without a triangularn setting, there is no saying what the cause of a being's responses is. In the first section we discuss the notion of relevant similarity, and what difference the presence of a second non‐linguistic being could make for the individuation of a common focus of attention. (...)
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  32.  36
    Civil Economy: An Alternative to the Social Market Economy? Analysis in the Framework of Individual versus Institutional Ethics.María Guadalupe Martino - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):15-28.
    The Civil Economy approach, as developed by Italian economists Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, aims at introducing reciprocity into the economy as a humanizing factor. Despite being presented as an innovative perspective, the CE approach shares many characteristics with the German model of Social Market Economy. The present paper compares both approaches, showing that they in fact share a normative basis and similar aims but address them from diverse points of view; namely, CE addresses them from a virtue ethics perspective (...)
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    Ley, deseo y libertad. Notas sobre Lacan y la Crítica de la Razón práctica.María José Callejo Hernanz - 2010 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:163-199.
    The subversion of tradition of ethics carried out by Kant in his Critique of Practical Reason is, according to Lacan, the intelligibility background on which it is possible a science of the subject as developed by Freud. This would be shown up in a particularly effective way if comparing Kant’s moral theory with Sade’s antimoral one. It is not difficult to show the formal-structural identity of the state of affairs established by inconditionality of law in both theoretical systems, and thus (...)
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    (1 other version)Potentia e potestas no Leviathan de Hobbes.Maria Isabel Limongi - 2013 - Doispontos 10 (1).
    In the Leviathan, power can be understood in two different senses, which are carefully discriminated in its Latin version by the use of the terms potentia and potestas to translate, depending on the context and the type of power concerned, the English power. Potentia and potestas, although types of power of a different nature – one, the physical power that bodies have to take effect on each other; the other, the juridical power, out of which legal effects as justice itself (...)
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    Las clínicas jurídicas y la identidad del jurista: reflexiones filosófico-jurídicas a partir del debate italiano | Legal Clinics And The Identity Of The Jurist: A Legal-Philosophical Perspective From The Italian Landscape.Maria Giulia Bernardini - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 36:27-44.
    Resumen: Si bien en Italia el debate sobre las clínicas jurídicas está en una fase inicial, cada vez hay un mayor número de universidades que están poniendo en marcha iniciativas vinculadas a tal fenómeno emergente. Ello permite plantearse nuevas cuestiones, en especial aquellas relacionadas con las clínicas, pero también es posible reconfigurar algunos de los temas “clásicos” y fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo apuntar algunos de tales aspectos. Así tras una reconstrucción del marco general (...)
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    The Emancipation of Thought: On the Work of Michel De Certeau.Maria Letizia Cravetto - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (3):115-129.
    When we consider the social and political disarray of the moment, we are forced to recognize how hard it is, in periods of crisis, to clarify the changes taking place. So it is an urgent and necessary task to return to Michel de Certeau's work, whose central aim is to clarify the transformations that abruptly emerge during times of crisis, transformations that undermine our most tenacious assumptions. Certeau's project is the work of constant reconnaissance. He expressed his need to elucidate (...)
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    Value Facts and Value Experiences in Early Phenomenology.Maria E. Reicher - 2009 - In W. Huemer & B. Centi (eds.), Value and Ontology. Ontos-Verlag. pp. 105–135.
    The topic of this paper is the relationship between value facts (e.g., that this is good) and value experiences (e.g., appreciation). Its aim is, first, to give a concise account of the value theories of some important early phenomenologists (Franz Brentano, Christian von Ehrenfels, Alexius Meinong), second, to show that they raise questions and put forward arguments that are still worthy of note, and, third, to critically assess these arguments. Among others, the following questions are discussed: Can past and other (...)
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    Troubling Romance Tourism: Sex, Gender and Class inside the Argentinean Tango Clubs.Maria Törnqvist - 2012 - Feminist Review 102 (1):21-40.
    This article aims to explore and make theoretical sense of a stream of tourism that blurs the boundaries between sex, romance and intimacy, and diffuses the line between affectionate and economic relations. The empirical scope is the expanding international tourism of tango dancing—meaning the increasing number of people from all over the world travelling to Buenos Aires to dance tango and engage with the local tango culture. In contrast to women's sex tourism on the beaches of Jamaica and Ghana, the (...)
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  39. A Saga da Genoveva Pia Na Cadência Madrugal D’Os Tambores.Maria dos Milagres da Cruz Lopes & José Carlos de Castro Dantas - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (34):1-7.
    The reflection proposed in this article aims to briefly consider philosophy and literature on the saga of Genoveva Pia in the early morning cadence of the drums of São Luís (1975), a novel by the great poet from Maranhão, Josué Montello (1917-2006), in which a narrative is made between fiction and the reality of the Brazilian colonial slave period on the historical soil of São Luís, Ma. To this end, the text is divided into two parts: firstly, it looks at (...)
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    The Taipai, Taiwan, Museum of World Religions.Maria Reis Habito - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):203-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 203-205 [Access article in PDF] The Taipai, Taiwan, Museum of World Religions Maria Reis Habito Dallas, Texas A new museum dedicated to exploring the world's great religious traditions opened in Taipei this past November. Its professed mission is rather unique: to teach about religions and religious life in the world, and to provide instructive experiences about the variety of the world's religious expressions as (...)
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    Diagnosing death: the “fuzzy area” between life and decomposition.María A. Carrasco & Luca Valera - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (1):1-24.
    This paper aims to determine whether it is necessary to propose the extreme of putrefaction as the only unmistakable sign in diagnosing the death of the human organism, as David Oderberg does in a recent paper. To that end, we compare Oderberg’s claims to those of other authors who align with him in espousing the so-called theory of hylomorphism but who defend either a neurological or a circulatory-respiratory criterion for death. We then establish which interpretation of biological phenomena is the (...)
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    Economic autarkeia: the legitimacy of the economic discourse based on the concept of physis.María Florencia Zayas - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02806.
    The concept of autarkeia present in the Aristotelian Politics is conceived as inseparable from the end of the city-State, insofar as it is not only constituted for mere living but for living well. This implies a moralization of the state order that allows us to think about the conformation of an economic dimension based on the concept of autarkeia. Taking as a methodological starting point the “dialogical tension zones” device, we will affirm that exists an Aristotelian economic thinking based on (...)
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    Psychological Health Conditions and COVID-19-Related Stressors Among University Students: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic has broadly impacted university students’ customary life, resulting in remarkable levels of stress and psychological suffering. Although the acute phase of the crisis has been overcome, it does not imply that perceived stress related to the risk of contagion and to the changes in the relational life experienced over more than 1 year of the pandemic will promptly and abruptly decrease. This study aims at comparing university students’ psychological health conditions before and during the COVID-19 (...)
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  44. Structural Representations and the Explanatory Constraint.Maria Serban - 2013 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):277-291.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate what epistemic role, if any, do appeals to representations play in cognitive neuroscience. I suggest that while at present they seem to play something in between a minimal and a substantive explanatory role, there is reason to believe that representations have a substantial contribution to the construction of neuroscientic explanations of cognitive phenomena.
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    Moral Choices and Responsibilities: The Home-help Service at the Borderland of Care Management When Older People Consider Relocation to a Residential Home.Maria Söderberg - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (4):369-383.
    The aim of this article is to reveal how care workers in the home-help services handle the process when older people’s relocation to a residential home is under consideration. Since the care workers are engaged daily in defining care receivers’ needs and yet have no formal influence on care decisions in Sweden, the focus is on how they solve this dilemma. In this inductive study, the theoretical framework is based on occupational alliances, relationship-based practice, and discretion. Thirty-three care workers in (...)
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    Emotion, self-deception and conceptual/nonconceptual content.María del Rosario Hernández Borges & Tamara Ojeda Arceo - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 42:223-231.
    First the rationalist tradition and then the cognitive revolution put limits on the philosophy and social sciences with regard to the analysis of emotion, of irrationality in mental events and actions, to the reduction of our representations to conceptual elements, and so on. This fact caused an increasing interest in these topics. In this paper, we intend to claim the significant relations among these three issues: emotion, selfdeception and non-conceptual content, with two aims: i) to analyse the relation between non-conceptual (...)
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    Prueba y estándares de prueba en el derecho.María Laura Manrique - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):211-214.
    Este artículo ofrece un análisis y un comentario general de los dieciséis estudios que componen el libro compilado por Enrique Hülsz Piccone, Nuevos ensayos sobre Heráclito, el último compendio de investigaciones sobre la filosofía del Oscuro de Efe so, donde se reúnen las actas del Segundo Symposium Heracliteum celebrado en junio de 2006 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, ocasión en la que algunos de los especialistas más reconocidos de la comunidad internacional se reunieron para presentar (...)
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    Unpublished by Freud to Fliess: Restoring an Oscillation.Maria Torok & Nicholas Rand - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (2):391-398.
    The aim of the following lines is to reinstate some unpublished fragments into two letters written by Freud to Fliess on 12 and 22 December 1897, respectively. These dates refer to a period in Freud’s elaborations traditionally considered subsequent to his renunciation of the seduction theory. As is well known, the interpretation of an earlier letter to Fliess, written by Freud on 21 September 1897, makes his revocation into the first stage of what has since become Freudian psychoanalysis. This “turning (...)
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    Late Sanskrit Literary Theorists and the Role of Grammar in Focusing the Separateness of Metaphor and Simile.Maria Piera Candotti & Tiziana Pontillo - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (2):349-380.
    The present paper is focused on the way Vayākaraṇas and Ālaṃkārikas analysed a specific kind of karmadhāraya compounds, taught in Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.1.56 and 72 and later associated with the upamā- and the rūpaka-figures respectively. On the basis of a fresh interpretation of the relevant grammatical sources, the authors try both to understand how the theorists involved them in their analysis and to reconstruct the several steps of the inquiries realized by the modern scholarship on this topic. Nonetheless their research is (...)
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    On Being and Becoming an Animal: Engelhardt’s Two Notions of Animality.Maria Chorianopoulou - 2018 - Conatus 3 (2):19.
    The principal objective of this essay is to briefly present and discuss what could be thought of as Engelhardt's two approaches on animality. The first, rather literal use of the term, refers to non-rational animals stricto sensu, while the second and more important one thematizes humanity's ontological self-degradation resulting from the dominant pleasure-oriented culture of our time. As for the first, aiming to moderate his outright acceptance of animal use, I invoke Dworkin's insights on sanctity, which substantiate a plausible alternative (...)
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